Some of our friends & partners

We collaborate with a wide array of partners, from local governments to non-profit organizations, corporate sectors, pharmaceutical companies, legal experts, hospitals, and major insurance providers.

Our diverse network enables us to engage with some of the most influential companies and institutions, delivering wide-reaching and impactful projects that truly make a difference.


What our clients are saying!


These events are always very organized. They always choose cities and places where many people attend, especially families.

At the events, we are able to connect with families and the community in general.

Los Angeles County Office of Education


We met our goals of providing information about our courses and student services. All their events are excellent. Cecilia and Desireé are always very kind and helpful. Thank you!

Raul Sarabia

Calbright College


It helped us reach out to the community. These events are very important for our Hispanic community.

Tania Llavaneras

One Legacy